water and land adventures for children in year 3 to year 8

The ‘Adventurers’ are children from school years 3-8 (age 7-13) who we welcome on the farm for a land and water experience like no other. Our experienced and energetic team lead groups of children in a range of adventurous activities. In a carefully managed environment we deliver a set of truly memorable childhood adventures. Each adventure will vary depending on time of year and duration. For details on what will be on offer during a particular course please get in touch.

Examples of Water Adventures include kayaking, canoeing, improvised rafting, dingy rowing and stand up paddle boarding. Land Adventures can include fire lighting, den building, campfire cooking, concealment in the woods, craft, treasure hunts and much much more.



If you would like to find out more about our ‘Adventurers’ please take a peak at our FAQ page. If this doesn’t answer your questions or you would like to discuss anything in more detail then please contact us. We are passionate about what we do and always happy to chat. To book a place on one of our adventures please visit Book a Place.